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Getting a good night’s sleep is the key to recharging our body and mind. Eight hours is the recommended time to fully rest, allowing the best version of ourselves to wake up with energy to conquer the day ahead. While eight hours suffices as the ideal amount of time for sleep, there are some factors that can prevent us from feeling rested. Our often sedentary lifestyle and electronics addiction can be detrimental to our physical and mental health, but simple solutions can resolve these unhealthy habits.

If you wake up throughout the night to check your phone, you are not alone. With the presence of social media, texting and constant alerts, sleep is interfered with. While catching up on the latest Facebook post or movie, the mind is wired to stay awake and falling asleep right after these distractions becomes nearly impossible. As a result of poor sleep, our minds are limited during the day. Difficulties with short and long-term memory arise as we are tired and become forgetful. Also, a decrease in sleep can negatively impact emotions. Bad moods and anger are common traits for the sleep deprived.


Three Ways To Get a Better Night’s Sleep And Improve Mental Health

Get An Alarm Clock: The reason people keep their phones close when they go to bed is for the sole purpose of the alarm clock, (so they say). Investing in a ten dollar alarm clock at the store can allow you to remove the interruptions that come with a phone. Think about charging your phone in another room for the night. You are able to sleep and wake up without the constant overload of information.

Exercise: A therapeutic tool people use to make improvements in their lives. Depending on the person, exercise routines vary from daily gym sessions to a few times a week strolling through the neighborhood. Whatever the case may be, people do it for all different reasons; getting in shape, relieving stress, or simply escaping to think. The connection between exercise and sleep have many benefits. Exercise decreases stress, releases endorphins and gives a sense of self-confidence. With a clear mind and tired body, sleep becomes much more manageable.

Consistent Sleep Routine: The work week and weekend routine differ greatly. Monday through Friday we have our routine of waking up early and going to bed relatively early for obligations. On the contrary, during the weekend we tend to stay up later and sleep longer. These two routines can confuse your internal clock. Sticking to a sleep routine seven days a week can make the transition from Sunday night to Monday morning easy. As part of your sleep routine, create an environment that is soothing to you. This may include a dark space with comforting temps and white noise.

Sleep and mental health go hand in hand. A poor night’s sleep can result in a tired mind, while a good night sleep can enhance mood and productivity. Sleep has many mental health benefits. When you are well rested throughout the night your memory is sharp and staying on top of tasks the following day becomes easier. Making important decisions are also an advantage of good sleep, you are able to carefully think things through and make the right choices.