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2 Hours

Fostering Resilience: Understanding Stress in the Mind & Body

  • Audiences Employers, Mental Health Professionals, Schools


‘Fostering Resilience’ is an interactive course that educates employees on the biology of stress, the physical and mental impacts it brings, and exercises to help manage your own reaction to stress. Attendees will learn:  

  • Nervous system responses that are already baked into our DNA 
  • The difference between ‘stress’ and ‘stressors,’ and how to recognize which you are experiencing 
  • Why it’s important to continue to manage the stress after your initial response 
  • Interactive exercises we’ll practice together to help respond to and manage stress, including the 6 Second Exhale, Mindfulness, One Breath Meditation, Chair Yoga, and other simple techniques to intentionally manage stress and seek help when needed.  

After this session, your employees will have a deeper understanding of stress, its physical and emotional impacts on our health, and tangible exercises and practices that may help better manage their stress and encourage help-seeking behavior. 


  • Audience: Schools, Community Agencies, Workplaces, and Organizations
  • Length: 2 hours
  • CEs: Not Available

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