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7 Hours

Suicide Postvention: Supporting Schools, Workplaces, and Communities After Sudden, Unexpected Loss

  • Audiences Employers, Mental Health Professionals, Schools
  • CEs Available


Postvention is the organized response that provides immediate support after a death by suicide. It addresses the needs of those affected, reduces the likelihood of more suicides, fosters healthy coping strategies for individuals and the community, and becomes an essential part of future suicide prevention.

Through an interactive, discussion-based program, attendees will learn:

  • An overview of suicide, including risk factors and warning signs for youth and adults.
  • The scope and impact of a death by suicide, including its effects on family, friends, peers, and the community, and the importance of reducing copycat behavior and future mental health issues.
  • The goals, guiding processes, and timeline of a postvention process.
  • A comprehensive exploration of the 12 key tasks of a best practice postvention process.

Our presenters draw from their broad experience in postvention and share highlights on data and comments generated by community members where postventions were successfully implemented.

Six (6) hours of continuing education may be available for this training.


  • Audience:  Community agencies, mental health professionals, organizations, schools, and workplaces
  • Length: 7 hours
  • CEs: Available

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